Alpine Preschools

Evaluation Process - Special Education

The Alpine School District Early Childhood Assessment Center is committed to locating and identifying children ages 3-5 who have disabilities, as defined by Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (IDEA).



Parents may request an evaluation if they have concerns about their child’s development. 

To schedule an evaluation please call the Early Childhood Assessment Center.
Phone: 801-610-8216
Text: 385-498-4319
Email: [email protected]
Address: 350 North State Street, Lindon, UT 84042


**If currently in one of Alpine School District Preschool skip this next step.**

Complete Online Registration Process before your appointment date.

Collect child’s Birth Certificate, Immunizations (from the doctor’s office), Proof of Residency (utility bill, mortgage statement, lease agreement, driver’s license, or something else connected to the home specifically) and any other Legal documents

  • Complete Online Registration in Skyward.
    • NOTE: Make sure you select “Preschool” as your school. DO NOT choose any other school or we will not receive your packet. 
    • Put “current date” for the expected enrollment date.
    • If you have never had any child go through the district before please use the “Enroll with a Temporary Account”


After you submit, you will receive an email within a few days letting you know if this step is complete or if additional information is required.



Areas of development that may be evaluated based on concerns can include:

Thinking, figuring things out, problem-solving, matching, sorting

Talking, understanding, communicating

Gross motor skills like walking, climbing; Fine motor skills like coloring and cutting

Getting along with others, coping, play, behavior

Self-help in areas like dressing and eating, personal responsibility

Important Information

-Parent and/or legal guardian permission and signatures are required in order to complete an evaluation. 
-The specific tests used will be determined based on the areas of concern. 
-The assessment process may require several visits. 
-The amount of time needed will depend on things such as a child’s age, attention span, and the areas of development that need to be assessed. 
-Parents may be asked to fill out developmental questionnaires and/or participate in a parent interview that reflect their child’s current level of performance.
-Parents may bring in additional information for the evaluation team to review and consider such as medical diagnosis, testing results from other clinics, and any additional information from current preschool classrooms.


Determination of Eligibility

After the appropriate evaluations are complete, the team, including the parents will consider the evaluation results as well as any additional information provided by the parents. Following this discussion, the team will determine whether the child is eligible to receive special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). For children to be eligible, they must meet all three parts of the following:

1. They must have one of the identified disability categories as outlined in the Utah Special Education Rules.
2. The disability must adversely affect their education performance; and
3. The student needs specialized instruction that requires special education and related services.

As part of this process, the team will discuss the relevant disability classifications and determine which one, if any, best represents the child’s primary disability. The team members, including parents sign the eligibility document. The Assessment Center will mail a copy of the evaluation summary report to the parents.

An Early Childhood Special Education Teacher may look at how your child understands concepts; problem solves in everyday tasks, completes skills such as dressing, eating and toileting, and plays and interacts with others.

Speech and Language Pathologist may evaluate how a child understands language, how they express themselves, and how they produce speech sounds.

An Occupational Therapist may look at hand use and eye/hand coordination.

Gross Motor Specialist may look at large motor skills, object manipulation, and stationary skills.

School Psychologist may look at how a child thinks and learns and how information is understood. They may also help in assessing a child’s social and self-help skills.


Determined Eligible

An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will be developed. An IEP team will call the parent/guardian to set up an appointment within a few weeks of the eligibility date. This plan includes goals in each of the areas the child qualifies in, services needed, how much time is needed to make progress on those goals, and determination of placement, or where the services will take place.


Determined Not Eligible

If the child does not meet eligibility for services, the team may give parents ideas and suggestions of things that can be worked on from home. If concerns persist, a child can be tested once every six months.



Please check school websites for school based resources, such as bell schedules and school meals. Employees should visit the Alpine Employe Gateway for employee specific resources. 

Registration is postponed until further notice.

Steps to Register


View the Clear Creek Camp Schedule in the “Registration FAQs” document. We recommend selecting a few dates in case your first choice sells out.


Once registration is open, click “Eventbrite Registration” and select the date of your choice.


Fill in all requested student registration information and pay the required registration fee.


Complete Student Information & Health Form.