Alpine School District


"Winning at the high school level should be a pleasant outcome to fulfilling the TRUE PURPOSE …which is to serve the complete educational needs of those who choose to participate. The PREEMINENT PURPOSE of sports and activities is not to teach someone how to hit a three-pointer or to throw a curveball but how to harness the discipline, desire and commitment that come from striving to achieve these goals and then channeling those traits into overcoming the challenges of everyday life."

Register My Athlete

UHSAA Physical Form

JHS Basketball Scores

School Athletic Pages



Please check school websites for school based resources, such as bell schedules and school meals. Employees should visit the Alpine Employe Gateway for employee specific resources. 

Registration is postponed until further notice.

Steps to Register


View the Clear Creek Camp Schedule in the “Registration FAQs” document. We recommend selecting a few dates in case your first choice sells out.


Once registration is open, click “Eventbrite Registration” and select the date of your choice.


Fill in all requested student registration information and pay the required registration fee.


Complete Student Information & Health Form.