Policy 1250 | Visits to the School
The Board of Education and staff of the Alpine School District welcome and strongly encourage members of the community and other interested persons to visit the schools.
The Alpine School District Board of Education has the unique authority and responsibility for policy development. The policies on this site have been reviewed and approved by the board in an open, public meeting. To conduct a search of policy using key words, use the search feature at the top right of the website.
The Board of Education and staff of the Alpine School District welcome and strongly encourage members of the community and other interested persons to visit the schools.
Statement of Policy The Board of Education recognizes that the loss of a student or staff member is deeply and broadly felt in a school community. Alpine School District also acknowledges the primary role of
The Board of Education encourages resolution of parent complaints on an informal basis at the level closest to the problem. There shall be regulations that outline the procedures for parent complaints about actions of district employees and also about programs and schools. These procedures shall be fair to all parties and shall provide that solutions will be rendered in a courteous, objective and timely manner. They shall provide for appeals up to and including the Board of Education whose decision shall be final.
Members of the Board of Education and employees of the Alpine School District shall neither offer nor accept gifts which might reasonably be interpreted as an attempt to influence the conduct of District business.
It is the intention of the Board of Education to serve the community by making available appropriate use of school property and facilities in accordance with law and resources available in the district. The primary use shall be for the educational program. All other uses shall be deemed secondary.
It is the policy of the Alpine School District Board of Education that the United States Constitution’s declaration concerning separation of church and state be adhered to in the classrooms and schools of the District.
It is the policy of Alpine School District to manage district records in a manner that provides timely and appropriate access to information which has been collected. It is also a School District commitment to protect the privacy rights of individuals about whom information has been collected. This policy has been written and will be administered in accordance with the provisions of the Government Records Access and Management Act Utah Code Annotated 1992.
The Board of Directors shall designate, and the corporation shall maintain a main office. The location of the main office of the corporation shall be the Board of Education of Alpine School District, 575 North 100 East, American Fork, Utah 84003.
The Board of Education will ask the new school principal to form a school naming committee comprised of existing PTA and/or SCC officers/members and patrons from the new school boundary. The committee will conduct a survey and make the official recommendation to the Board of Education concerning a name for the school.
The community councils shall provide an orderly system of broad public involvement to achieve the following: Serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Education. Serve as a communication channel between the Board and the community. Assist in appropriate research and evaluation projects. Work to improve all district educational programs.
Parent engagement is vital to the academic success of students. Parents are the first teachers of their children and serve as partners with the district in helping their children achieve academic success.
The Board of Education supports the Superintendent in determining a two-hour delayed start of a school day, an early release, or a school closure in the event of hazardous conditions which threaten the safety or health of students or staff members.
The superintendent of schools is appointed by the Board of Education and serves as the Board’s chief executive officer. The superintendent’s term of office is for two years or until a successor is appointed and qualified. The superintendent shall hold an administrative/supervisory certificate issued by the State Board of Education. The Board shall set the superintendent’s compensation for services. The superintendent qualifies for office by taking the constitutional oath of office. (Utah Code 53A-3-301).
One of the primary responsibilities of the Alpine School District Board of Education is the development of education policy. Policies serve as guidelines to the administration in the development and implementation for operating the district. It is the purpose of Policy 2231 to establish the process by which District policy shall be managed, reviewed, proposed and adopted.
Alpine School District employees are encouraged to study relevant issues and participate in the political process. Schools are not to be used for purposes of political advocacy, but may facilitate dissemination of information.
It is the intent of Alpine School District to conduct all procurement activities in compliance with state and federal law and consistent with the guidelines set out in the Alpine School District Procurement Manual. It is the intent of the Alpine School District to conduct procurement activities in compliance with Utah Procurement Code(Chapter 56, Utah Code Annotated) and other federal or local purchasing guidelines. Supplementary purchasing guidance is contained in the Alpine School District procurement manual and ASD procedures handbook.
All accounts shall be subject to audit annually. The audits shall be performed and financial statements presented in accordance with generally-accepted auditing and accounting standards, principles, and procedures promulgated by recognized authoritative bodies, and shall conform to the uniform classification of accounts established or approved by the state auditor.
In the event that the district receives federal funding, the audits shall be performed in accordance with both federal and state auditing requirements. (See also 53-6-28)
It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to review and approve a list compiled and submitted by the superintendent of capital items for replacement, and repair and initial purchase once each year. Such list shall be based upon requests from principals and department heads within the district during the budgeting process. Emergency capital expenditures shall be minimized to maintain the integrity of the budget process and allow for adequate Board review.
The purpose of this policy is to secure the maximum public benefit from the deposit and investment of district funds.
Investments in a business entity which create a conflict between public and private interests are forbidden.
No school officer or employee shall have personal investments in any business entity which will create a substantial conflict between his private interests and his public duties. (Utah Code 67-16-9)
The primary purpose of owning, operating, and maintaining a fleet of school buses is to provide transportation for eligible students to and from schools for the purpose of educating the youth of Alpine School District.
The Alpine School District Superintendent of Schools, or designee, is directed to establish such rules and regulations as may be needed to provide for student, employee, and patron safety and security in the school buildings and with equipment. The safety plan must also safeguard school buildings and equipment.
The Board of Education for Alpine School District adopts this policy based on guidance outlined in Utah Code 53E-3-804 to establish procedures for application and accounting for Federal Education agreements that may cost the District over $500,000 annually from state or local money to implement.
This section lists the guidelines used in selecting and dealing with the certified employees of the district.
Alpine School District will provide immunity and indemnification as described in the Utah Governmental Immunity Act to administrators, to members of the Board of Education and to other employees who qualify for such immunity under the provisions of the Utah Governmental Immunity Act (UCA 63-30-1, et. seq.).
The Board of Education is committed to recruiting and retaining high quality certificated/endorsed teachers and directs the Superintendent and his/her designee to specify the types of licenses and license areas of concentration required for hire. The purpose of this policy is to identify standards and procedures of LEA-Specific Licensing requirements pursuant to the conditions outlined in Utah Administrative Rule R277-301. These specific requirements and procedures for obtaining a license are required for employment as a licensed educator in Alpine School District.
The intent of Alpine School District, as it has always been, is to operate within the Policies and Procedures of Alpine School District. The District has experienced some difficulty in hiring competent educators in some areas/however, the District has not been inclined to violate the adopted hiring policies in order to attract educators. In the event it becomes necessary for the District to change the hiring procedure, it will be done in cooperation with the association in agreeing as to what constitutes a shortage in a teaching area.
When a vacancy in any professional position in the Alpine School District shall occur or shall be known to occur, the district shall post on the district website a notice of such vacancy.
The Alpine School District uses an application form which is obtainable online at the district website. Applicants may be called in for personal interview when vacancies arise in fields for which they are qualified. A personal interview is a necessary part of the procedure in obtaining a position. It is necessary for prospective applicants to renew their applications annually.
School authorities are charged with protecting the health and safety of all students. As a means of helping to fulfill this charge, the Alpine School District requires prospective employees to have a criminal background check.
The intent of this policy is to prevent discrimination, favoritism and other work setting problems caused by hiring, supervising and working with relatives. It is also the intent of the Board of Education to hire the best qualified candidate(s) available for each open position.
Educators who have previously taught outside Alpine School District and who have not retired from a career in education, shall be awarded year for year experience, up to step 10 on the salary schedule.
New personnel are employed on a one year provisional contract for each of their first three years in the District. Following the completion of the provisional status, employees, when approved by the supervisory and administrative staffs and the Board of Education, may be employed for an extended period as career educators as provided by the Board.
Valid certificates and transcripts of credit shall be placed on file in the administration office or payment for service may be withheld. Certificates and transcripts shall be kept up to date in accordance with Utah State School Board Regulation and Alpine School District policy.
Any change of address within the year should be reported immediately to the administration office.
Educators shall be assigned to positions by the Superintendent of Schools and his assistants after discussion with the supervisors involved. They shall be responsible to the administrator under whom they are assigned. Educators shall be subject to change in assignment as is deemed best for the educator, the schools, and the students.
An educator may make application to transfer within the district. The transfer request must be submitted to Human Resources by March 15th. The Human Resources Department shall prepare bulletins of known vacancies, which will occur for the following year.
The District, as well as the Association, is greatly concerned with quality of education and recognizes the beneficial effect of keeping the student-educator as low as possible. Any monies gained or lost through the student-educator ratios is in, and does go to the M & O budget.
Class Load: In the event that a classroom educator feels that the pupil-educator ratio might be excessive, the educator may appeal to the principal who shall make every attempt to resolve the problem. In the event that the situation cannot be resolved by the principal, the principal shall request relief from the district administration (i.e., aides, additional educator, re-assignment of students or some other form of assistance.)
The District will work with the administrators to free educators from administrative and secretarial duties and reduce classroom interruptions.
Educator aides are assistants, not educators, and as such should not perform instructional tasks that are not under the direction and guidance of the educator.
Educators and classified personnel shall work cooperatively in the entire educational process.
It is agreed that every reasonable effort should be made to allow professional certified employees, regardless of certification, to focus their time and energies in their areas of expertise. This concern relates to, but is not limited to, counselors. It is also agreed to encourage the utilization of available funds to assist certificated employees in their responsibilities such as scheduling.
Alpine School District is committed to the maintenance of an environment which is free from any form of sexual harassment; an environment in which employees are allowed to work free from unwanted conduct or communication of a sexual nature; one which is in compliance with State and Federal laws dealing with this form of discrimination.
Educators are encouraged to cooperate with universities in assisting university students in their study and training to become qualified educators. Educators may make application for student teachers to their principal.
Educators are entitled to have a key to their room and to one of the exit doors. Under no circumstances may educators have these keys duplicated or permit them to be duplicated.
The school district is very concerned with upgrading the quality of education and to supplement this goal desires to offer a series of educational in-service training programs.
The Superintendent assures the Association that all involved educators will be given an opportunity to make input on new structures when they are being planned.
It is agreed by both teams that every effort should be made by appropriate district and local school staff members to insure maximum benefit for each media center dollar expended. Administrators should continue to involve educators and other interested staff members in decisions related to the expenditure of media center funds.
The opening of a new school may require the relocation of teachers in place at existing schools. It is the District’s intention to maintain strong staffs at each site. If a school is to be closed and a new school opened, it is expected that in so far as practical all teachers at the school to be closed will transfer to the new school.
Alpine School District is committed to provide students and employees with safe and secure learning and working environments. A student’s ability to achieve academically and an employee’s quality of performance can be reduced by bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, hazing, and/or retaliation.
Educators function as collaborative teams in Professional Learning Communities, using the essential questions and data, with student learning as the focus.
Educators shall become thoroughly acquainted with school rules, regulations, and equipment concerning student safety. They shall teach the students the proper methods of evacuating the building when the alarm is sounded.
Each educator shall act as a reasonably prudent individual in safeguarding pupils. Pupils should not be sent on errands off the school grounds unless the principal grants permission.
Educators will submit an oral report to the principal regarding all student injuries. A written report shall be submitted regarding serious injuries.
Educators shall keep such records and reports and compile information necessary for the successful execution of their work that may be required by their principal or the district staff.
The great majority of our educators are commended for their professionalism including their investment of time in their responsibilities far beyond contractual requirements.
As fads and extremes of dress and appearance tend to attract improper attention to the individual, the Alpine School District Board of Education requires its personnel to conform to standards that avoid extremes and exemplify personal cleanliness.
Faculty meetings are necessary to discuss problems and procedures at the local school level, and all educators are required to attend unless excused by the principal. Principals are to make wise use of written bulletins, memorandums and emails to minimize the time required for faculty meetings. The principal has the right to call faculty meetings. The frequency, content, time, and other details pertaining to faculty meetings shall be determined by the principal after consultation with the faculty. Faculty meeting should not be held in place of collaboration. In addition when calling and holding faculty meetings, contract time should be taken into consideration and every attempt to avoid going over contract time should be taken.
Alpine School District has a responsibility to maintain public trust and confidence by providing a safe school environment for students and a safe workplace for employees. The District is committed to provide a drug-free, smoke-free, and alcohol-free workplace. Employees of the Alpine School District are expected to follow the federal, state, and local laws regarding use, distribution, manufacturing, and/or possession of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Violation of this policy may result in suspension, remediation, and/or dismissal.
Educators may be permitted to attend special workshops, conferences, and other meetings of inservice training and educational improvement when such attendance is planned with and approved by the administrative staff.
An employee’s individual personnel records are open for review upon request.
It is the policy of Alpine School District to protect public interests and to maintain the faith and confidence of citizens in the integrity of the public schools and school employees by setting standards of employee conduct which preclude actual or potential conflicts of interest between their public duties and their private interests. It is the District’s intent to maintain high standards of employee conduct by prohibiting employees from improperly disclosing or using information, from using their positions to secure privileges or exemptions, or from accepting employment which would impair independence of judgment or ethical performance (UCA 67-16-1, et. seq.).
Educators should feel a responsibility for the care of school buildings and equipment. They should encourage students to respect school property through keeping rooms and halls neat and orderly.
Recognizing that educator preparation time is a valuable component of the education process, the Alpine Board of Education hereby establishes specific guidelines for the implementation and supervision of educator preparation time.
An extended contract is for certain services defined below provided beyond the educator’s standard 185 day contract. Extended contracts shall be for one year unless a different term is specified.
The district administration will encourage the principals to work out any unique problems peculiar to kindergarten educators; however, kindergarten educators must recognize that the state minimum requirement (two hours and 45 minutes per day) of instruction time must be given to each child. At the discretion of the local school administration, kindergarten educators may use up to three days annually for parent visiting days.
The Board of Education recognizes that staff support of students participating in student government and extracurricular activities is crucial in offering important educational and lifetime benefits upon students and supports efforts of schools to provide these opportunities to all students. The Board also acknowledges that the personnel assigned to supervise students who do participate in student government and extracurricular activities, particularly competitive athletics, serve as role models for others in the school and community. As a result of this important role, the adult coaches, advisors, and assistants are expected to comply with the policies of the Board of Education at all times in a manner befitting their positions and responsibilities. This policy is written in compliance with §53a-11-908 Policy Number 4194, Section 1.2.2.
Schools may offer any class approved by the principal. Parents, students, and educators should be invited to recommend classes for consideration.
When educators are supervising students on school-sponsored activities or other school-related business, the principal will provide an adequate replacement for the educator during his or her absence. Only on rare instances will other educators be asked to teach the classes of the educator who is away from school on supervisor activities.
The Board of Education recognizes that instruction is the most important single activity of the school system. The primary function of all other departments of the school system is to support the instruction program and to maintain a quality program of education for the school system. Job sharing is encouraged under conditions that will attract and hold the highest qualified personnel.
Teacher evaluation is for the purpose of recognizing and encouraging teacher behaviors which contribute to student progress. Evaluations should unify faculties in working toward common school goals for effective instruction.
A “grievance” shall mean a complaint by an educator who believes that there has been a violation, a misinterpretation, or inequitable applicant of any of the provisions of the Negotiated Agreement or the Policies of the Board of Education.
Investigation Process for Taking Action on Complaints. Complaints by administrators, adults, parents, or students must be investigated by the administrator. As part of the investigation the administrator will conference with the teacher regarding the problem.
The active services of an educator may be suspended by the superintendent, with or without pay, pending an investigation or hearing when it is evident that the continued employment of the individual may be harmful to students, the employees or to the District.
Definition of Terms CAREER EDUCATOR: Any certified educator who has completed three or more successful years of half-time or greater teaching experience in Alpine School
Needs for Reduction in Force The Board of Education may begin a reduction in force only under the following statutory provisions: Enrollment decline Budget reduction
Absence caused by the death of members of the immediate and extended families may be construed as health/disability leave. Members of the immediate family include spouse, mother, father, child, brother, and sister.
This policy has been adopted by the Alpine School District Board of Education in compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act, 29 U.S.C. § 2601. This policy provides for appropriate family and medical leave for qualified employees.
Educators with less than three years continuous current experience in the district, are granted health and disability leave as follows: A maximum of up to
In accordance with existing State Law (78-46-15) Alpine School District educators may be summoned to perform a public service known as jury duty.
All state employees and all employees of any county and municipality thereof, who are or shall become members of the organized Reserve of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines, shall be allowed full pay for all time not in excess of fifteen days per year spent on duty at annual encampment or rifle competition or other duties in connection with the Reserve training and instruction requirements of the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines of the United States. This leave shall be in addition to annual vacation leave with pay. (39-3-2)
Certified educators may have up to five days personal leave annually. Educators shall pay $50 in 2018-19, $55 in 2019-20, and $60 starting in the 2020-21 school year per day for each personal leave day used.
The Board of Education grants sabbatical leaves under the following conditions: An amount of money sufficient for granting sabbatical leaves to 1% of the total instructional staff is budgeted yearly.
Leaves of absence for professional improvement may be granted to any certified employee in the district upon request. Such leaves will be generally granted for furthering one’s education.
Salary schedule step changes for experience are automatic and are handled yearly by the Business Services Department.
Pay itemization concerns can be resolved by a phone call to the district payroll office. A teacher may make withholding changes in his paycheck by the tenth of each month. These changes will be effective for the pay check issued at the end of that month.
Claims for salary adjustments are limited to one year prior to the date of the filing of the claim. The above time limitation applies to employees who claim they were underpaid or to the school district for claims that employees were overpaid.
The district and association have agreed to the following as replacement items for Policy 4195 Pay For Extracurricular Athletic Coaches. The first section is an equalization of points. The second section represents the longevity of steps. These changes are to be implemented at a time that the Board of Education deems most appropriate.
The district and association have agreed to the following as replacement items for Policy 4196 Pay for Extracurricular Non-Athletic Directors. The first section is an equalization of points (see 1.5). The section section (1.2) represents the addition of longevity steps. These changes are to implemented at a time that the Board of Education deems most appropriate.
Full-time contracted educators are provided a medical, surgical, and extended health insurance program as a fringe benefit. Employees new to the district and those wishing to make open enrollment changes will be offered the district insurance. Educators must make application and qualify within 30 days of the start of regular contracted service to receive coverage.
The school district and the association representatives, as in past years, will review annually the group insurance policy coverage. Any changes in coverage and/or adjustments to meet current medical and hospital charges or needs, shall be agreed to by both the association and the school district before any changes will be affected. Once the extent of the coverage has been agreed to, the decision of whom the insurance carrier shall be will be decided by the Board of Education.
The Board of Education will provide to the educators of the district a term life insurance policy in the amount of $20,000 (Educators Mutual Insurance will provide $15,000 double indemnity/accidental death/dismemberment and the Board of Education will provide $5,000). The premium on this policy will be paid by the school district.
The district and worker’s compensation already covers an educator when in the course of his employment he might be injured as a result of an accident. In the event that an educator may make application to the superintendent of schools for reimbursement. If the item damaged or destroyed is covered by the educator’s insurance, the amount paid by the insurance company will be deducted from the claim.
Alpine School District will provide Workman’s Compensation Insurance for educators as provided for by law.
A part-time contracted educator will be given a benefit package as follows: All benefits are to be prorated in relationship to the fractional nature of the contract. Insurance benefits (medical, surgical, extended care, dependent death and employee death) are available, effective 23 January 1984, as follows:
Retirement privileges are established by the legislature of the State of Utah and administered by the Utah State Retirement Board. Educators, by virtue of their employment, become a member of the retirement plan.
Alpine School District permits employee contributions to approved tax-sheltered retirement programs through payroll deduction. This benefit to employees is intended to assist those who wish to establish self-directed investment accounts as a supplementary retirement program.
Any employee who is a member of the Utah Retirement Systems may use the District retirement stipend, (refer to Policy 4253) adjusted for the reduction of Social Security offset, to purchase previous or future years of service for which they qualify, or make any purchase allowable under Utah State Code.
To accommodate certificated educators who elect to retire early and to comply with the requirements of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the following policy has been adopted.
An active employee over the age of 65, and their eligible family members, is covered by district insurance. The District’s insurance is primary. At the time of retirement, at age 65 or after, Medicare becomes the prime insurance coverage. The District’s insurance carrier will be the supplemental carrier for those employees who qualify for a supplement to Medicare, under Policy 4255. It is the responsibility of the employee to enroll with Medicare.
Those certified educators who retire* from Alpine School District after the 1988-89 school year and are hired prior to August 21, 1995 with at least 15* years full time service in Alpine School District and who have reached age 65 will be provided a supplemental health insurance policy. The EMIA Medicare policy will supplement the Medicare/Medicaid insurance. The 15 years* need not be consecutive.
It is unlawful for any employer, person, firm, association, corporation, employee, labor union, labor organization or any other type of association, officer, or agent of such, or member of same, to compel or force, or to attempt to compel or force, any person to join or refrain from joining any labor union, labor organization or any other type of association. (2-12-10, 34-34-7)
The educator’s organization with the majority membership, by December 1st of each year, shall be recognized as the negotiation body to represent the educators in negotiation problems between the district administrative staff and/or the Board of Education and the organization.
The board agrees to furnish to the association in response to reasonable request from time to time all appropriate and available information concerning the financial
The professional association president (hereafter referred to as president) may take time off for his/her professional duties according to the following provisions:
One of the most vital and important and at the same time delicate problems of a school board is to develop and maintain high morale among educators and retain the services of the most capable.
The Board agrees to deduct from each Association member’s monthly salary the authorized amount of dues for the current year. The Board also agrees to deduct the balance of Association dues from the final paycheck of those educators who terminate after December 10, of the current school year. Dues will be deducted uniformly on each monthly payroll period beginning with October payroll. The District will not be required to honor any deduction submitted after the 10th of any month. Copies of the payroll deduction computer printout shall be sent to association offices.
The main purpose of all employees, both certificated and classified, is to contribute to the learning process of the students. Therefore, all personnel shall work wholeheartedly toward a wholesome environment for the students by making a conscientious effort to keep the school plant operating at its best as an educational institution.
The School District and Association representatives, as in past years, will review annually the group insurance policy coverage. Any changes in coverage and/or adjustments to meet current medical and hospital charges or needs, shall be agreed to by both the Association and the School District before any changes will be effected. Once the extent of the coverage has been agreed to, the decision of whom the insurance carrier shall be will be decided by the Board of Education.
Full time employees are provided a medical, surgical, extended health, term life, and dependent life insurance program as a fringe benefit. The cost of the insurance program is based on negotiated agreement.
The Board agrees to continue the present benefit levels for medical, surgical, and extended health insurance.
Those classified employees who have retired* from the Alpine School District with at least 10 years service in Alpine School District and who have reached age 65 will be provided a supplemental health insurance policy. The policy will supplement the Medicare/Medicaid insurance.
Those employees who continue their employment beyond age 65 are encouraged to join the Medicare/Medicaid program at age 65. Medicare/Medicaid has an enrollment period which includes the period of time between the three months before and three months after an employee’s 65th birthday.
Alpine School District will provide Workman’s Compensation Insurance for employees as provided by law. The District complies with the State rules on Workman’s Compensation in case an employee is injured.
Definition: Calendar day includes contract days, weekends and holidays combined. Provisional contracted employees, those with less than three years continuous, current, experience in the District, are granted health and disability leave as follows
Classified employees may have up to five days personal leave annually. If employees take these days, they will be required to pay 30% of their daily salary for each personal leave day up to a maximum of $30. Personal leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of 10 days. Personal leave accumulates by carrying the number of unused personal leave days over into the next school year.
All state employees and all employees of any county and municipality thereof who are or shall become members of the organized Reserve of the United
To accommodate contracted classified employees who elect to retire early and to comply with the requirements of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the following policy has been adopted.
Alpine School District may participate in a non-discriminatory manner in the purchase of retirement credit in behalf of the employee as allowed by law (Utah code annotated 49-3-410) and outlined in Procedure 4415.1.
Absence caused by the death of members of the immediate families may be construed as health/disability leave. Members of the immediate family include spouse, mother, father, child, brother, sister, stepmother, stepfather, stepchild, stepbrother, stepsister.
Leaves for other reasons, i.e. travel, work experience, temporary change of residency, need to be requested by February 1 prior to the year of requested
Has completed, immediately preceding the requested leave, a minimum of two current, consecutive years of service with Alpine School District to qualify for this absence. Appropriate documentation is required.
Retirement privileges are established by the legislature of the State of Utah and administered by the Utah State Retirement Board. Employees, by virtue of their
One of the most vital and important and at the same time delicate problems of the school board is to develop and maintain high morale
Recognition The members of the classified staff of the Alpine School District constitute what the parties hereto believe to be an appropriate unit for the
It is unlawful for any employer, person, firm, association, corporation, employee, labor union, labor organization or any other type of association, officer or agent of such, or member of same, to compel or force, or to attempt to compel, or force, any person to join or refrain from joining any labor union, labor organization or any other type of association. (2-12-10, 34-34-7)
It shall not be unlawful for employees to organize themselves into or carry on labor unions for the purpose of lessening hours of labor, increasing wages, bettering conditions of members, or carrying out the legitimate purposes of such organizations as freely as they could do it acting singly. (2-12-1)
Employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection; and such employees shall also have the right to refrain from any or all of such activities.
The employee organizations with the majority membership shall be recognized as the negotiation bodies to represent the employees in negotiation problems between the district administrative staff and/or the Board of Education and the organizations.
Definition: GRIEVANCE shall mean a complaint by a classified employee that there has been an alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of any of the provisions
Definition of Terms CAREER EMPLOYEE: Any employee who has completed three or more consecutive successful years of contracted employment in Alpine School District. Employees with
The active service of an employee may be suspended with, or without pay pending an investigation or hearing when it is evident that the continued
The Alpine School District is committed to the process of job analysis and job evaluation to determine compensable factors that have the power to establish
Documentation of an employee’s job performance is helpful in maintaining satisfactory levels of work and achievement, and in providing opportunities for planning and communication between
Interim Committee Permanent Members Personnel Director of Classified Employees (or designated representative) Classified Employee Association President (or designated representative) Director, Institute for Human Resource Management,
The Board agrees to maintain an appeals, performance bonus program and inservice fund at $26,000 annually. The association shall prepare a plan for awarding the performance bonuses. The plan must be submitted to the Superintendent for approval. This change shall remain in force as long as the District and Association both agree to keep it. The appeals, performance bonus and inservice fund shall be used as follows:
$5,000 for appeals fund.
$11,000 for classified employee performance bonus fund
$10,000 for inservice fund with a carry over not to exceed $20,000.
When placing an employee on the Professional Salary Schedule, ASD will determine what the employee would have made (next step) if remained in the same job. Using that amount, ASD will then place the employee on the first step with an increase in the first lane where the job is listed on the Professional Salary Schedule. ASD will then advance the employee two steps. If appropriate, the employee will then slide across appropriate lanes at the same step according to their education.
Reduction in Force Policy – If the Board of Education, in its discretion, determines that a reduction in the number of classified employees is necessary
Promotion shall mean reassignment to a job which is carried on a higher lane of the salary schedule than the lane from which the employee is currently paid.
The administration agrees to implement the following practices effective in the 1985-86 contract year: Emergency Work: When classified personnel are called out for emergency work
Contract employees are required to give 15 calendar days notice before terminating. (Refer to policy 4456, 1.3) Non-contract employees are required to give the District
Classified employees are employed for a period of one year. Contracts must be renewed each year. All employees who show ability to render the quality
The Board agrees to provide the increased cost required to implement lane and step changes.
School Authorities are charged with protecting the health and safety of all students. As a means of helping to fulfill this charge, the Alpine School District requires prospective employees to have a criminal background check.
The standard work week of all of the employees in the District who fall under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) will not exceed forty hours per week. Working over 40 hours a week is considered to be compensatory time and is administered according to the FLSA.
Alpine School District will provide immunity and indemnification as described in the Utah Governmental Immunity Act to administrators, to members of the Board of Education and to other employees who qualify for such immunity under the provisions of the Utah Governmental Immunity Act (UCA 63-30-1, et. seq.).
A benefit for all Alpine School District employees is free admittance for themselves and a guest into any school extra-curricular event in the district. Employees should present their name badge at the ticket counter and the employee and a guest will be allowed a general admission seating entrance to an event free of charge. Events across our schools could include, but may not be limited to athletics, performances, shows, and competitions.
Educators and classified personnel shall work cooperatively in the entire educational process. Cooperative work shall include, among other things, teacher supervision when assigned to ride a school bus, assisting the school nurse in the solution of student health problems as requested by the principal.
As fads and extremes of dress and appearance tend to attract improper attention to the individual, the Alpine School District Board of Education requires its personnel to conform to standards that avoid extremes and exemplify personal cleanliness.
Alpine School District has a responsibility to maintain public trust and confidence by providing a safe school environment for students and a safe work place for employees. The District is committed to provide a drug-free, smoke-free, and alcohol-free workplace. Employees of the Alpine School District are expected to follow the federal, state, and local laws regarding use, distribution, manufacturing, and/or possession of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Violation of this policy may result in suspension, remediation, and/or dismissal.
Alpine School District is committed to providing a safe and productive work environment that is free from the effects of unlawful use, distribution, manufacture, and possession of controlled substances.
An employee may make withholding changes in his/her paycheck by the tenth of each month, September through May. These changes shall be effective for the paycheck issued at the end of that month.
Classified employees are entitled to an uninterrupted lunch break, usually 30 minutes or an hour in length. If a classified employee is directed to be on duty at a prescribed work place during the lunch period, this time shall be regarded as time worked.
Transfer shall mean reassignment to work at a different school or location, but in the same job classification and at the same pay.
During the school year, a listing of all vacancies will be posted online and sent out electronically to all the schools and departments. The vacancy lists will be posted on a bulletin board or in some other appropriate place in each school or department.
All employees working under a twelve month contract with the Board of Education are entitled to an annual vacation. Vacation shall accrue on an annual and monthly basis as follows:
In accordance with existing State Law (78-46-15), Alpine School District employees may be summoned to perform a public service known as jury duty.
The District Personnel Office maintains an official permanent record file for each classified employee. The file should contain the following items and other employment documents and records: application for employment, health examination report as requested, employee status form, pre-employment recommendations and records, documentation of job performance.
The intent of this policy is to prevent discrimination, favoritism and other work setting problems caused by hiring, supervising and working with relatives.
All elementary schools will receive extra hourly secretarial help according to the following formula: enrollments of 699 and lower will qualify for 4 hours; enrollments of 700-799 will qualify for 6 hours; and 800 and larger will qualify for 8 hours per day.
The board agrees to furnish to the association in response to reasonable request from time to time all appropriate and available information concerning the financial
Alpine School District is committed to the maintenance of an environment which is free from any form of sexual harassment; an environment in which employees are allowed to work free from unwanted conduct or communication of a sexual nature; one which is in compliance with State and Federal laws dealing with this form of discrimination.
The Alpine School District Board of Education will provide an electronic copy of policy to the Association leadership upon request.
Claims for salary and other benefit adjustments are limited to one (1) year prior to the date of the filing of the claim. The above time limitation applies to the employees who claim they were underpaid or to the school district for claims that employees were overpaid.
Uniform allowance shall be paid by November 1 of each year in the amount of $100.00 to all lunch employees who are on contract. For less than a full contract year the allowance shall be prorated. An employee must work at least 40 working days in order to be eligible for the uniform allowance.
It is the policy of Alpine School District to protect public interests and to maintain the faith and confidence of citizens in the integrity of
Certificated managerial employees are personally responsible for the renewing of the appropriate credentials for their positions, and for registering them with the Alpine School District Superintendent of Schools, as required by law.
Alpine School District will provide immunity and indemnification as described in the Utah Governmental Immunity Act to administrators, to members of the Board of Education and to other employees who qualify for such immunity under the provisions of the Utah Governmental Immunity Act (UCA 63-30-1, et. seq.).
The Board of Education recognizes the Alpine School Administrators Association as a professional organization and expresses a desire to cooperate with A.S.A.A. in advancing the
Administrative and supervisor convention attendance shall be considered on the basis of the value which shall accrue to the educational program of the District.
When an administrator is promoted to a higher-pay administrative position, he/she shall be placed on the step of that salary lane which provides the administrator with a salary increase. (The next highest dollar amount)
The vacation policy for Alpine School District administrators permits every administrator to receive an annual vacation.
District administrators shall not participate in or support or encourage any collective effort to withhold services from the Board of Education and the school system.
Provisional administrators, those with less than three years continuous experience in the District, are granted health and disability leave as follows: A maximum of up
This policy has been adopted by the Alpine School District Board of Education in compliance with the Family and Medical Leave Act, 29 U.S.C. § 2601. This policy provides for appropriate family and medical leave for qualified employees.
Personnel records are open to all employees upon request. Only that information which is clearly marked confidential by former employers or universities will not be
Absence caused by the death of members of the immediate family may be construed as health/disability leave. Members of the immediate family include spouse, mother, father, child, brother, and sister.
Procedures and regulations governing administrator use of sabbatical leave shall be the same as for other certificated employees.
All state employees and all employees of any county and municipality thereof who are or shall become members of the organized Reserve of the United
Managerial employees may interrupt their vacation or terminate their vacation to begin sick leave, bereavement leave, or jury duty leave without a return to active service provided the following provisions are met:
Administrators may apply for a leave of absence as an administrator without pay for such reasons as maternity, adoption, health problems and further education. Such
The personnel file of an administrator shall be available for inspection/challenge by the administrator. Any item within the file may be petitioned to be removed. Material judged to be inaccurate or unfounded shall be removed and destroyed. Anonymous material shall not be deemed suitable to be placed in an administrator’s file.
Those administrators hired prior to May 27, 1995, who retire* subsequent to the 1988-89 school year from the district with at least 10 years full time service as a contracted employee in Alpine School District and who have reached age 65 will be provided a supplemental health insurance policy.
Full-time contracted administrators are provided a medical, surgical, and extended health insurance program as a fringe benefit. The cost of the District designated insurance is paid in full by the Board of Education for all administrators who qualify (and make application within 30 days of start of service).
To accommodate administrators who elect to retire early and to comply with the requirements of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the following policy has been adopted.
Alpine School District may participate in a non-discriminatory manner in the purchase of retirement credit in behalf of the employee as allowed by law (Utah Code annotated 49-3-410) and outlined in Procedure 4752.1.
The Board of Education will provide to the administrators of the District a term life insurance policy in the amount of $20,000 (Educators Mutual Insurance will provide $15,000 double indemnity/accidental death/dismemberment and the Board of Education will provide $5,000). The premium on this policy will be paid by the School District.
Administrators will be paid according to the existing salary schedule as approved by the board of education.
Provisional Administrator: An administrator who has served less than three consecutive full years in the District in an administrative assignment.
Alpine School District is committed to the maintenance of an environment which is free from any form of sexual harassment; an environment in which employees are allowed to work free from unwanted conduct or communication of a sexual nature; one which is in compliance with State and Federal laws dealing with this form of discrimination.
It is the policy of Alpine School District to protect public interests and to maintain the faith and confidence of citizens in the integrity of
Every parent, guardian or other person having control of any minor between six and eighteen years of age shall be required to send such minor to a public or regularly established private school during the regularly established school year of the district in which he resides; provided:
Alpine School District shall provide nonresident students and students from foreign countries the opportunity for a cultural and educational experience within the district under the following conditions:
It is the intent of the Board of Education to support the philosophy of school choice and educational program options in accordance with Utah Code Annotated 53A-2-207, et seq. Opportunities for selection of schools applies to residents of Alpine School District who follow appropriate procedures. Acceptance in schools and programs of choice will be subject to certain restrictions as outlined in Rules and Regulations No. 5117.1
The Board of Education adopts this policy for the orderly establishment and management of a system of reasonable fees; to provide adequate notice to families of fees and fee waiver requirements; to establish a fair and efficient process for granting fee waivers; and to prohibit practices that would exclude students unable to pay fees from participation in school-sponsored activities.
The Board of Education maintains the position that public education is free and should be supported through revenues derived from statutory school finance code and
The Alpine Board of Education recognizes that the educational program for students can be enhanced through the wise use of off-campus experiences. Objectives of all student trips are to be clearly defined and consistent with the objectives of the class, school, and the district. Each field trip or off campus travel must have prior approval by the principal of the school.
Pupils transported in a school bus shall be under the authority of and directly responsible to the driver of the bus. The driver of any school bus shall be held responsible for the orderly conduct of the pupils transported. Disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a pupil to be denied transportation.
The Alpine School District Board of Education requires all of its students to conform to standards that avoid extremes and that exemplify personal cleanliness. Any
Every parent, guardian or other person having control of any minor between six and eighteen years of age shall be required to send such minor
The Alpine Board of Education recognizes that the Utah Compulsory Attendance Law (Utah Code 53A-11-101) directs parents to require their children between the ages of
Alpine School District believes that the Kindergarten experience is an important part of the total educational program because it provides vital social and academic preparation
The Alpine School Board of Education’s philosophy and goals emphasize a program of education for helping students improve their power to think productively, to discern between the significant and less significant, and to act competently, and responsibly.
Bullying is defined as aggressive behavior that causes harm or distress, exists in a relationship in which there is an imbalance of power or strength and is repeated over time.
It is the policy of Alpine School District to maintain school environments which are conducive to learning. It is the District’s intent to maintain a safe and positive atmosphere by prohibiting acts of violence, aggressive behavior, intimidation, possession of weapons, criminal behavior, or gang activity on school property.
Alpine School District is committed to the maintenance of a learning environment which is free of any form of sexual harassment; an environment where students may attend school free of unwanted conduct or communication of a sexual nature; one which is in compliance with State and Federal laws dealing with this form of discrimination.
Students who participate in extracurricular activities, serve as role models for others in the school and community. As a result of this important role, students are expected to comply with all applicable laws and rules of behavior and conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their position and responsibilities.There is no constitutional right to participate in these activities.
By approval of the Superintendent of Alpine School District, upon recommendation of the principal, local high schools may adjust or waive specific requirements, other than those legislated by state statutes, when it is deemed necessary to meet the needs of individual students.
The Board of Education recognizes that participation in extracurricular activities is a valuable and motivating part of a student’s public education experience. Alpine School District
Alpine School District is committed to the belief that student publications make a valuable contribution to the overall activities of the school and to students.
The Alpine School District Board of Education acknowledges the value of electronic communication devices as learning tools. The Board also recognizes that electronic communication devices
The Alpine School District Board of Education encourages positive parental involvement in the education of their children and follows State and Federal laws concerning family
It is the policy of the Alpine School District to adhere to federal and state laws and rules as they pertain to students with disabilities
The Board of Education supports and values the collaboration established between student, parent(s) and school personnel as a result of the SEP/SEOP process which encourages
Alpine School District prohibits all forms of discrimination against qualified students with disabilities who qualify under Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and its
Alpine School District in accordance with Utah State and Federal laws, prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. As established and defined by The Americans with
As a public institution, Alpine School District believes in being open and honest in regard to the operation of the schools and the many support
Elementary students who are on school property shall be under the supervision of school authorities from the time school doors open–15 minutes before the starting
No staff member shall excuse any student from school prior to the end of the student’s school day, or to any person’s custody, without the
Dispensing of prescription medication is not a typical function of the school and it must be given whenever possible by a parent or legal guardian
Alpine School District is committed to protecting students from abuse and neglect and will follow the state mandates regarding reporting and handling of abuse as outlined in Utah Code annotated (62A-4a-403, et. seq.).
The Alpine School District Board of Education recognizes that the use, possession, and/or distribution of alcohol, controlled substances, or imitation controlled substances, are illegal under
School authorities are charged with protecting the health and safety of all students as well as promoting the effective operation of the schools. The interest of individual members of society in securing personal privacy must be balanced against the collective interest of society in obtaining the results of the search.
Alpine School District supports a healthy environment where children learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. Alpine School District supports wellness in five
The Alpine School District Board of Education has determined that the educational goals of the school district are furthered by recognizing curricular and non-curricular clubs. Students are encouraged to enter into social activities that provide attachment, acceptance, and enrichment, as they unite students with their peers and with the adults in the building. Clubs must adhere to all Alpine School District policies.
The Alpine District Board of Education supports the work-based learning program for secondary students. The Board authorizes the secondary principals, under the direction of the Superintendent, to administer the rules and regulations and procedures associated with this policy within their respective schools. Work-based learning opportunities include, but are not limited to: Job Shadowing; Internship; Cooperative Career and Technical Education; Service-based Learning; School-based Enterprise; and Registered Apprenticeship.
The Board of Education seeks to provide a safe return to activity for all students following any injury, but particularly after a concussion. Procedures have been developed to aid in ensuring that concussed students are identified, treated and referred appropriately. Students will also receive appropriate follow-up medical care, and should be fully recovered prior to returning to activity.
Initial Enrollment, Retention and Extended Senior Year Requests, Advancement Requests, Student Placement Appeals Process
Guidance services in the public schools should give systematic aid to all students. This program functions to assist students to become self-directing and self-understanding. A
The Board of Education encourages parents to take advantage of the resources provided to them by the state in the form of public schools. However,
The school health program assists in the promotion of maximum health in the school and the community. Activities are provided in the school which foster
The Alpine School District is committed to providing the best possible education for all students of the district. In so doing, it recognizes that individual students require differentiated educational programs appropriate to their unique needs and talents.
It is the goal of the Alpine School District to complement and supplement standards established in the home which relate to family life and sex
Trampolines and rebounding devices are not approved for use in the schools of Alpine School District. The other exceptions to this policy are the ruther boards which are used in the gymnastic programs of the district, swimming pool diving boards, and the mini-trampolines used under the direction of the physical and occupational therapists of the district.
The Board of Education has the legal responsibility to adopt or approve textbooks, supplementary books, and instructional materials for use in elementary and secondary schools.
The Board of Education recognizes that educational testing is closely related to curriculum development, program evaluation, vocational and educational decision-making for students, parents and teachers, and public accountability. The Board is committed to the process of periodic standardized assessment of students which is consistent with accepted testing practices.
The Board of Education of Alpine School District recognizes the need of nearby accredited public and state approved private schools to use media in their
YRIGHT LAW The Alpine School District is committed to observance of the Federal/State Copyright Laws and publisher licensing agreements. It shall be the responsibility of
Students who have been properly classified as special education students by team action and have been placed in a district special education program, may be considered for waiver of some graduation and/or competency requirements.
It is the commitment of the Alpine School District to strive to maintain all learning and working environments where students and employees can be safe
Alpine School District is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment that are free from sexual harassment and retaliation.
Student data privacy is very important to Alpine School District (the district). Students and their parents/guardians retain ownership of student data. The district will take appropriate measures to ensure student data remains protected.
The Board of Education and Alpine School District (District) support and encourage the appropriate and responsible use of technology in maximizing and enhancing student learning.
Employees/volunteers shall maintain professional and appropriate behavior and relationships with students, both during and outside school hours, as well as both on and off campus, that foster an effective, non-disruptive and safe learning environment.
Each county shall constitute a county school district provided, that both county school districts and city school districts within cities of the first or second class, existing as of September 1, 1978, shall continue as such school districts until changed as provided by law. (53-4-1)
School Districts in Utah are creations of the State Legislature and school board members are State officials when they meet as boards of education. While
The board of county commissioners in which the county school district is located shall reapportion the precincts at least once every ten years beginning January
The date of Primary Elections to fill vacancies occurring on local boards of education shall be established by the State Legislature. General elections to fill
Four members of the board shall constitute a quorum at all regular and special meetings. All matters shall be decided by a majority vote of
As the elected governing body of the school district, the Board of Education holds regular public meetings to conduct the business of the district. Certain matter, by law, will be set and heard in a public hearing format.
Broad permissive curricular powers are given to local boards by the law which states, boards of education “. . . may do all things needful
The superintendent, in consultation with the Board president, shall prepare an agenda for each board meeting. Any board member, prior to the meeting, may present any issue to be included on the agenda for board consideration at a board meeting. Any emergency problem may be presented at the meeting without having been included on the agenda.
Board members may participate in Board meetings when their physical presence is not possible. Therefore, electronic meetings or participation via electronic means are expressly permitted pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-207.
Any public body which holds regular meetings that are scheduled in advance over the course of a year shall give public notice at least once each year of its annual meeting schedule as provided in this section. The public notice shall specify the date, time, and place of such meetings.
The members of each Board of Education shall fix the compensation to be received for their services (as ruled in Utah Code 53a-3-202)and each board member shall be required to submit an itemized account of traveling expense sworn to by him and approved by the Board. And provided furthermore by majority vote of the membership, any board of education may, in its discretion, authorize the payment of such additional sums for travel expense as it deems reasonable to any board member who attends any educational meeting or convention outside the limits of his school district.
Because the coordination of activities, including calendaring, is an administrative function, the Board of Education delegates to the superintendent the responsibility for the preparation and distribution of the district calendar. The superintendent shall appoint a committee consisting of lay and professional members to develop the calendar and make recommendations to the Board of Education. In developing the calendar, the committee shall use the guidelines established by the Utah State Board of Education and the Alpine School District Board of Education. The calendar recommendations of the committee are for a year–three years in advance. The Alpine School District Board of Education reserves final authority for approval of the calendar.
Please check school websites for school based resources, such as bell schedules and school meals. Employees should visit the Alpine Employe Gateway for employee specific resources.
View the Clear Creek Camp Schedule in the “Registration FAQs” document. We recommend selecting a few dates in case your first choice sells out.
Once registration is open, click “Eventbrite Registration” and select the date of your choice.
Fill in all requested student registration information and pay the required registration fee.
Complete Student Information & Health Form.