High Quality Preschools

Alpine District preschool program has been awarded High Quality Status in the state of Utah and is regularly monitored using rigorous nationally recognized instruments.

Accessible to all students, including:

Group Of Smiling Preschool Students
Program Highlights


Our inclusion preschool classrooms use “World of Wonders”, a research-based curriculum. It is also the preschool version of “Wonders”, the literacy curriculum used by Alpine District in K-6 classes, giving your child an upper hand when they begin kindergarten. Our special classes use “Handwriting Without Tears”. Both of these curricula address skills in all areas of child development and are aligned with Utah’s Early Childhood Core Standards.

Program highlight

Purposeful Play

Our purposeful play learning centers have clear, established instructional goals and provide ample opportunities for deep learning experiences designed to develop children’s skills in communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, character and citizenship.

Purposeful play learning centers include: Alphabet, Science and Discovery, Dramatic Play, Math and Manipulatives, Social Studies, Computers, Library and Listening, Art and Drawing, Writing, and other topics of specific interest to students in the class.

Program highlight

Daily Schedule

Program highlight

Program Structure

Our classrooms use a multi-tiered system of instruction:

Tier 1
Core curriculum, direct instruction, and experiences in essential academic knowledge, skills, and dispositions to prepare students for kindergarten and life. Tier 1 also provides opportunities for purposeful play and child-directed, adult-supported deep learning.

Tier 2
Targeted instruction when students need more time and experience to learn essential knowledge, skills, or dispositions.

Tier 3
Individualized, intensive instruction on missing essential knowledge, skills, or dispositions. Tier 3 also provides enrichment and extension opportunities for students who are already proficient in the essentials.

The format of our program provides built-in time for Tier 2 and 3 intervention and enrichment to better meet the needs of each student in the class.

Pre K Program Structure
Program Highlights

Progress Monitoring

Our teachers use the Developmental Observation Tool (DOT) to assess and track student progress in six domains of development, including Initiative, Social Relations, Representation, Movement/Music, Literacy/Language, and Math/Science. DOT provides parents and teachers with detailed reports each trimester so that they can work together to maximize student learning. It provides teachers with class-level summaries of which students have mastered each skill so that they can plan group and individualized instruction to target specific needs. Parents can see which skills their student has mastered and see the next step in their child’s development.

Program highlight

Collaborative Teams

One of the most unique and amazing things about ASD’s preschool programs is the comprehensive and collaborative nature of our team approach to educating young children. Our dedicated teachers, paraeducators, related servers, coaches, teacher leaders, and leadership teams work together tirelessly to ensure that every single child receives their very best every day. The result is that we have significantly improved quality and consistency throughout our district and therefore your child’s future classrooms.



Please check school websites for school based resources, such as bell schedules and school meals. Employees should visit the Alpine Employe Gateway for employee specific resources. 

Registration is postponed until further notice.

Steps to Register


View the Clear Creek Camp Schedule in the “Registration FAQs” document. We recommend selecting a few dates in case your first choice sells out.


Once registration is open, click “Eventbrite Registration” and select the date of your choice.


Fill in all requested student registration information and pay the required registration fee.


Complete Student Information & Health Form.