May 10

Connie Faux, Alpine Elementary; teacher

Mrs. Faux has taught three of our children, all with very different strengths and needs. She has identified the potential in each one, and holds them to high expectations to be their best. She does this while creating a welcoming environment that lets each student know they are valued and important. We are so grateful for the extra effort Mrs. Faux gives to her students on top of all of her other responsibilities, it has created a love of learning that lasts long after they leave first grade.”

Nominated by: Tim Zito, student

Ashley McNeil, American Fork Junior; teacher

She is a really good teacher, and she always helps us and she loves having us in her class.

Nominated by: Nathan Kunze, student

Andrew Groth, American Fork Junior; teacher

Okay, so this teacher is absolutely awesome and super deserving of this award. He keeps snacks in his classroom for when we are hungry and it’s so nice, just showing that he actually cares about our education. He has a nice dim lighting which is so much better on our eyes. He actually engages in conversation with us and tells us about his life, which is really interesting. He plays instrumental music in the background as well. Just overall a super nice guy who I have recommended to so many of my 8th grade friends to take his class.

Nominated by: student

Alfonso Contreras, Aspen Elementary; custodian

Mr. Contreras is amazing! He keeps the school clean and well-kept, and keeps us all smiling. His positive attitude is contagious. Many of my students call him ‘Dad,’ as he often takes a minute to talk to a sad or lonely child, and can even be found now and again out at recess playing soccer with the kids. He (recently transferred) to a new school, and we are so sad to see him go! His contributions to the school are immeasurable.

Nominated by: Brooke Wall, district employee

Elizabeth Williams, Aspen Elementary; teacher

Remarkable, inspiring, selfless, and encouraging, These words describe Mrs. Williams perfectly! She connects with each of her students and inspires them to work hard because they love her. She motivates and encourages in the best way, she is calm and can get a wild class back on track in the most fun and engaging way! She is organized and just so impressive as a parent every time I watch her teach I feel inspired myself! She has changed my daughter’s educational experience and given her more confidence and joy for learning than I could have ever hoped for! She is remarkable. Thanks for being you!

Nominated by: Haley Peck, parent

Sharon Curran, Black Ridge Elementary; teacher

Sharon Curran puts her heart and soul into her teaching. I am lucky to have her on my team. She is helpful and willing to share her knowledge with us all. She is one of the best problem solvers- if you have an issue, go to her and she will help find a solution. She always steps up when there is a need. The students at Black Ridge are so lucky to have her as an art teacher. She puts so much effort and time into showing our students they can do anything they put their minds to. She not only teaches art, she teaches them how to never give up. We all need a Mrs. Curran on our team.

Nominated by: Alisha Thurgood, district employee

Julie Stewart, Black Ridge Elementary; speech and language pathologist

Julie is a master at her craft. I have had the pleasure of working with her from the teacher side and the parent side. She is an expert SLP and is always bettering herself professionally. Her case load of 80+ students are lucky to work with her. Thank you Julie, for making me smile and being an example of greatness.”

Nominated by: Colleen Guerrero, district employee

Ashlynn Jones, Black Ridge Elementary; teacher

Ashlynn has been a great teacher for my son. He is thriving and enjoying her class. Her communication with parents is perfect and I always know what is going on. I can tell she really cares about her kids. Thank you for all the time, effort, and work you put into teaching each day!

Nominated by: Colleen Guerrero, district employee

Amanda Black, Black Ridge Elementary; onsite tech

Amanda Black is my all time favorite Computer Tech. She is very knowledgeable in her craft, willing to explain and teach you when you encounter an issue. She is quick to respond to requests and is always happy to help. Thank you for all your help and support!

Nominated by: Colleen Guerrero, district employee

Colleen Guerrero, Black Ridge Elementary; teacher

Colleen is a phenomenal teacher! She has been the backbone of our DLI program for 7 years – it is what it is, in large part because of her dedication and effort. Colleen takes the time to make personal connections with each of her students, their parents & even their siblings! They all adore her! Colleen is also a huge asset to our team! She’s proactive, productive, positive, innovative, passionate, funny, supportive, thoughtful and inclusive. She’s a dream to work with & I consider her one of my best friends. If anyone is deserving of the RISE award, it’s Colleen Guerrero.

Nominated by: Nancy DeBry, district employee

Arcelia Paz, Bonneville Elementary; aide

Mrs. Paz has endless amounts of patience and love. She is adored by students, parents and staff. She is an amazing educator and has made a difference in the lives of countless students.

Nominated by: Jamie Sam, district employee

Naomi Baldado, Brookhaven Elementary; aide

Miss Naomi is our favorite! As a parent, and as a teacher, I appreciate her more and more each day. She has subbed for my class many times and always goes the extra mile to help my students feel loved and safe. My son who attends Brookhaven told me “Miss Naomi is the best because she always says ‘Hello Johnson’, and it makes me feel special”. I have noticed how she always addresses students by name which is just one example of how much she cares about them. I have never seen her have a bad attitude, and she is always willing to go the extra mile for teachers and students alike.

Nominated by: Jamie Sam, parent and district employee

Lora Grass, Dan Peterson School; teacher

Lora is great at helping her students reach new possibilities. When Lora joined the transition team she fit like a glove with her students, aides and everything. I love the vision she holds for students. She’s amazes me with her understanding of her role and comes with perfect execution. I love her approach to providing experiences, practical teaching and how much she really wants to build independence for students. It’s so exciting to work with her and I love how she manages behavior. She is dedicated to the LRBI, Precision Requests and much more. She’s definitely wonderful in all ways!

Nominated by: Trisha Nielson, district employee

MaKayla Youd, Dry Creek Elementary; teacher

Makayla Youd is a gifted third-grade teacher who makes learning fun and so exciting for each student she interacts with. She has a happy personality and tries to help foster a positive working environment within her classroom. Makayla takes each holiday and makes it come alive in her room through her decorations, activities, and the way she combines essential standards of learning into fun holiday stations. Miss Youd is extremely gifted with her computer knowledge and understands how to navigate student learning through varied computer programs. Dry Creek Elementary so appreciates you!

Nominated by: Jalaire Terry, district employee

Gabrielle Stoker, Dry Creek Elementary; teacher

My student has had some rough years with learning. She has had trouble in various learning areas, but this year her teacher has done an amazing job building up her self confidence in many areas. She knows my student well and can anticipate how she is going to best grow and learn. She is an amazing teacher who shows care for her students and their future.

Nominated by: Penny Mattinson, parent

Landon Ratliff, Eagle Valley Elementary; sweeper

Landon goes above and beyond in his responsibilities. He may be a high school senior, but he has already learned how to work hard and build relationships with others. He always meets you with a smile and asks what more he can do. He makes our school a better place to be. The world needs more people like Landon in it!

Nominated by: Becky Jones, district employee

Melissa Adams, Eagle Valley Elementary; teacher

Melissa goes above and beyond to ensure every student in her classroom, as well as the entire school feels loved and welcomed. She does an extraordinary job getting to know students, and remembers their interests. My child is so excited to go to school everyday to be taught by her. She is an incredible teacher, and deserves the world!

Nominated by: Callie Whetstone, parent

Lindsey O'Brien, Eaglecrest Elementary; teacher

Mrs. O’Brien is one of the most amazing teachers I have ever met, she takes the time to get to know each student and their family personally, she makes it her mission to help everyone feel loved and all students excited about school! Year after year she puts her own time and money into each and every student.

Nominated by: Claire Mietus, student

Valerie Ogborn, Eaglecrest Elementary; teacher

Valerie Ogborn is the epitome of a top tier teacher. In 2018, my son sustained a TBI and it threw us into a tail spin. Things that were easy were suddenly so hard for him. He got an IEP and Ms. Ogborn became his teacher. What a blessing for our family. She is so sweet and gentle and soft-spoken, but she is a powerhouse for her students. She knows each in such a detailed way. She helps each one in ways tailored to their success. She calls parents to share not just concerns, but victories too. She gives her whole heart and soul to these lucky children and becomes family.

Nominated by: Rachel Rehart, parent

Mrs. Ogborn has been my son’s resource teacher for several years now. Luke has had a lot of struggles academically and some behavior issues. I know my child can be frustrating for the adults in his life, but Mrs. Ogborn has been his biggest cheerleader. Mrs. Ogborn doesn’t just contact us with concerns, she has also called and emailed me to celebrate Luke’s successes and accomplishments. Luke has finally reached grade level in reading and she was as ecstatic about it as we were. I know I’m not the only parent who would like to recognize her for her efforts on behalf of our kids.”

Nominated by: Kim Ashdown, parent

Nicole Kelsch, East Shore Online; teacher

Nicole has taken on the role of PLC coach at our school. It has taken hard work to apply her role to our unique online school with many singletons; she has done so with grace. She is always willing to help and always encouraging us and pushing us to be a little bit better.

Nominated by: Haylie Stewart, district employee

Scott Russell, West Transportation; bus driver

I found Scott greeting each of his kids that ride his bus with a Polar Express ticket and a bell. His bus was labeled the Polar Express. The next day, Scott greeted them with hot cocoa and a candy cane. Each of the kids were so excited as they entered the bus. As we have looked at the Power of Moments in our district this year, I think Scott is the perfect example of this. After talking to some of my students, he is constantly doing something. Each of these kids only ride the bus for a short time but they look forward to their time with him! The world needs more good humans like Scott!

Nominated by: Mickelle Gregory, district employee

Julie Clements, Freedom Elementary; teacher

I started working for ASD this year and Julie has been my mentor since I started! She is so kind and patient with everyone. She is an amazing person with a huge heart! Mrs. Clements is a fantastic teacher too! She is so hard working and always goes above and beyond for students. She truly cares about each and every student. Her students adore her! I want her to know that her hard work and dedication to everyone does not go unnoticed. We are so lucky to have her!

Nominated by: Debbie Seeley, district employee

Kyle Teuscher, Frontier Middle; teacher

“Mr. Teuscher is the BEST! He makes class fun, and I want to come! He is my favorite teacher and lights up my day and makes me so happy. He makes class the most fun, and I know every student would agree. And he is also my track coach and always pushes me to do my hardest and is so kind and takes all of my thoughts into consideration. I wish there wer more people like Mr. Teuscher. He is the best!

Nominated by: Livia Cook, student

He is always engaging with his students during his class periods, He is making everyone feel welcome during, after, and before class. Overall he is just an amazing teacher.”

Nominated by: Hyrum Jessop, student

He makes history fun and easy to understand.”

Nominated by: Xander Montano, student

Chandra Young, Frontier Middle; teacher

One person out of many who has impacted my life is my middle school band teacher, Ms. Chandra Young (now Lentz). She is my favorite teacher and she does so many things for us. She is just a great spirit to be around and the band classroom has created such a happy, healthy environment. And I am very grateful for all she has given to us (especially the donuts).

Nominated by: Ryken Carter, student

Jordan Bailey, Frontier Middle; teacher

Mr. Bailey is my eighth grade health teacher and a very fun person to be around. He has such a sweet spirit and is very kind to everyone he meets. He is very goofy in class and we all love going to his class. I love A days because I wake up and I think, “Yes! I get to go to health today!” That is why I think Mr. Bailey is worthy of this award.

Nominated by: Ryken Carter, student

Mark Sykes, Warehouse; district mail courier

Mark is exceptional at his job! I have had the opportunity to work with Mark over the years as he was the district mail courier at our schools.  He has always delivered the mail with a smile and been so personable and helpful.  He goes above and beyond in helping support his schools (even in putting up with a crazy secretary during penny wars) in providing all the necessities and a few extras.  Mark is a true example of how every person playing their part makes a difference at a school and throughout our district.

Nominated by: Jennye Harding, district employee

Heather Rockwood, Greenwood Elementary; teacher

Miss Heather is one of the most dedicated teachers I have seen. She is always the first one in the school and the last to leave. She LOVES her students and all other students in the school. She is always the first to give a compliment, even to the hardest child. She looks for the good in every single person. If Miss Heather is having a bad day, you will never know. She is always so positive and makes sure to always have a smile. Miss Heather has a way of giving her students so much confidence in learning and she is definitely one of the best!

Nominated by: Torri Phillips, district employee

Portia Ames, Greenwood Elementary; teacher

Mrs. Ames has done so much for my child. She took the time to help my child. She listened to me when I said my son needs special help when it comes to learning. She helped me get him that help. She has been the best thing my son needs to grow and learn in his own way. My son is autistic and has sensory problems with big crowds and loud noise. She went out of her way to make him feel comfortable in is class. My son has made a great improvement. She is an answer to our prayers for him. She earned this award in my opinion.

Nominated by: Tiffani Pineda, parent

Kristi Hansen, Greenwood Elementary; teacher

Kristi Hansen is so positive and engaging with my daughter. The amount of growth my girl has had this year is incredible! Kristi Hansen is part of an amazing team that has helped my daughter excel this year. My girl always loves when Ms Hansen wears butterflies so she can come up with a positive change she wants to make in herself!

Nominated by: Shannon Leininger, parent

Liz Bowler, Greenwood Elementary; teacher

Ms Bowler has been an amazing part of a team that has helped my daughter thrive this year! She has used a variety of techniques to ensure my daughter is able to learn and grow. My daughter absolutely loves her teacher and class at Greenwood! Thanks for making our school great!

Nominated by: Shannon Leininger, parent

Angela Clow, Grovecrest Elementary; teacher

Mrs. Clow is one of the most dedicated teachers we have ever seen. She works so hard to make sure that all of her students feel loved and challenged. We are so impressed how with such a large class, she has made Kindergarten matter. She differentiates learning to meet the needs of each student and provides remediation and extensions. She provides individual opportunities for her class members to grow and truly flourish! She even volunteers to be part of the SCC and cares about all of the students at Grovecrest and its community. She is the epitome of a teacher that RISES above the norm.

Nominated by: Nicole and Brett Robertson, parents

Jodi Coombs, Hidden Hollow Elementary; teacher

Jodi is an exemplary educator and team member. She directs the school musical every year, and the shows are always first-rate. Jodi’s dedication to literacy has changed the lives of countless 1st and 6th graders in the Eagle Mountain community. Above all, she sincerely cares about the children she teaches.

Nominated by: Mackensie Neptune, district employee

Michelle O'Very, Hidden Hollow Elementary; teacher

She is a great teacher. Even if I haven’t been in her class for 3 years I still remember how great her class was.

Nominated by: Gavin Liu, student

Juli Andes, Highland Elementary; teacher

Mrs. Andes is the best teacher ever! She always helps us, and she is deserving of this award because she not only has a good curriculum, but she recognizes her students and makes learning the funnest thing that I have ever done! She is one of the best people I know. She lets us get special prizes for bringing in homework, and lets us make fun projects in order to learn about the medieval period. When I used to be getting B+s, I am now getting 4s on almost all assignments, because of her, and I am in A.L.L.! Mrs. Andes is the best teacher we have ever had. She lets us collaborate with another, and is never one to refuse starting a class debate. She is on topic, and lets us be ourselves, while teaching an ALL class in 6th grade.

Nominated by: Colton Nash, student

Marc Downs, Highland Elementary; custodian

No one works harder than Marc! He not only gets to school long before sunrise to clear the sidewalks from the mountains of snow (repeatedly broken plow and all), but he goes through our school prepping it for the day – knowing exactly which rooms/doors need to be opened to allow them to get warm, which need a little extra care, and ensuring everything is just right when the rest of us arrive. Marc also mentors our sweepers and students – he helps guide and encourage everyone, has so much patience, and helps them reach for and achieve higher standards. We are very lucky to have him at Highland!

Nominated by: Jennye Harding, district employee

Tiffany Pierce, Lakeridge Junior; teacher

Tiffany Pierce is hands down the best teacher at Lakeridge JH. She has taught there for almost two decades and has impacted countless students to love science. Two of my sons have worked with her as students and also as T.A.’s and they were impressed by all the labs, lectures, and information they learned. She not only has a classroom decorated with scientific things (snake, specimen jars, etc.) but has cultivated an online classroom environment through CANVAS that is just as organized as the in-person learning space. Her passion for her subject area, and her dedication is exemplary.

Nominated by: Doug Flory, parent

Tyler Valentine, Horizon School; custodian

Tyler goes above and beyond every day for our students. With the many needs we have here, he is always answering the call for help, never complains and always has that smile. He looks at the needs of our students and even makes adaptive tools for them to use in their classes. He is one of the most compassionate and committed employees I have seen. He cares for every student and knows their names and their needs. He makes sure they feel welcome daily. He is very compassionate and hardworking and it shows in how he cares for our students, faculty and staff.

Nominated by: Sue Vera, district employee

Chelsea Raddatz, Legacy Elementary; teacher

Miss Raddatz is a hero! She ALWAYS has a smile and goes out of her way to make sure EVERY child feels safe, seen, and has the support they need to be successful in school. She’s beyond organized, and has the most positive atmosphere in her classroom. We are so lucky to have her as a teacher!”

Nominated by: Sarah McDonald, parent

Chelsea Raddatz is hands down one of the most positive people I have ever met. An amazing mentor, she finds the light in every situation and helps others do so as well. Chelsea’s classroom is inclusive and engaging. She has a depth of understanding not only of the concepts that she teaches, but also of people and how to motivate and inspire them. Her students RISE to expectations of excellence. She strives to apply best practices and engage her students in good books, precisely on their level. Chelsea has turned teaching into a work of art and a work of heart.

Nominated by: Judy Hainsworth, district employee

Kiyo Richins, Legacy Elementary; teacher

Kiyo Richins embodies the essence of an educator, fully-engaged and dedicated to encouraging her students to achieve their highest potential. She is also an incredibly driven team-lead and goes the extra mile in order to implement the goals their team has made. Kiyo is dedicated to the progress of her students and will give her last ounce of energy to ensure that progress happens. She is also supportive of other teachers and inspires our entire school community to give their best. Kiyo is a power-house in a petite frame, and we love her!”

Nominated by: Judy Hainsworth, district employee

Larena Robinson, Legacy Elementary; teacher

Mrs. Robinson has been an amazing support to my nervous and shy first grader this year. Not only has she been a safe and caring person he can rely on, but she has created a classroom environment that promotes independence, confidence, friendship, and growth. She has taught my son more than how to read and write (which she is absolutely incredible at doing), she has taught him to believe in himself and how wonderful being a part of a class can be. I am forever grateful to Mrs. Robinson and the huge impact she has made in our lives.”

Nominated by: Rachel Murray, parent

She is a lovely teacher who genuinely cares about my daughter and her education.”

Nominated by: Daphna Craven, parent



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Registration is postponed until further notice.

Steps to Register


View the Clear Creek Camp Schedule in the “Registration FAQs” document. We recommend selecting a few dates in case your first choice sells out.


Once registration is open, click “Eventbrite Registration” and select the date of your choice.


Fill in all requested student registration information and pay the required registration fee.


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