Visit our Bus Stops & School Boundaries page to locate the school your student will attend. For kindergarten students please refer to the kindergarten section for important information.
IMPORTANT: If you wish for your child to attend a school other than that associated with your home address, you MUST first complete the Out of Boundary request form and await approval.
Please be prepared to upload documents that will be necessary for your student’s enrollment. This will include your student’s Birth Certificate, Immunizations, Proof of Residency, Transcript (7-12 grade), Withdrawal Form, and any court documents for guardianship.
The school Secretary or Registrar will contact you to complete the enrollment process. Schools may require additional information.
Please refer to the document linked to below for more information on this topic.
Please check school websites for school based resources, such as bell schedules and school meals. Employees should visit the Alpine Employe Gateway for employee specific resources.
View the Clear Creek Camp Schedule in the “Registration FAQs” document. We recommend selecting a few dates in case your first choice sells out.
Once registration is open, click “Eventbrite Registration” and select the date of your choice.
Fill in all requested student registration information and pay the required registration fee.
Complete Student Information & Health Form.