Alpine School District

Electronic Flyers with Peachjar

Alpine School District is partnering with Peachjar to help us unite schools, parents, and communities via streamlined electronic flyer distributions! Peachjar’s platform streamlines school-to-home communication by distributing school and community resources directly to families as digital flyers. This paperless process  helps save resources and simplify our processes.

Guidelines have been established by Alpine School District. All electronic materials promoting events, community organizations, classes, and/or other services or products must receive District approval prior to being posted, displayed, or distributed to parents, students, or District employees.

District Peachjar Flyer Board

Peachjar for Families

Peachjar organizes all important school and community information in one place! In addition to receiving emails from your school, look for the ‘Peachjar’ button or icon on your school website to view all active flyers.

An example of a flyer board is shown to the right. You will notice a variety of opportunities and information that are available for parents and the community at Westfield Elementary School.

Peachjar for Community Organizations

Our district wants families to know about district-approved community programs and resources offered by organizations like yours! Peachjar charges a fee for this service, which is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers. There are many additional benefits to using Peachjar—clickable buttons that take parents directly to your website, flyer performance reports, and not to mention the time saved driving school to school! 

Flyers will be approved and sent on Wednesdays. Please submit flyers by Tuesday evening in order to be approved.

Ready to leverage Peachjar? Here's how!

To submit your flyer for district approval, review our Flyer Approval Guidelines and follow the steps below. Paper flyers from outside organizations will no longer be distributed.

  • Register your account as a Community Organization here
  • Go to Send & Post Flyer to Submit your flyer for approval
  • See Deals on your account for best pricing options
  • Email [email protected] or call 858-997-2117 with any questions

Flyer Approval Guidelines

1. 8 ½ x 11 portrait PDF format

2. All distributed flyers and materials must contain a disclaimer with the following language:

Distribution of these materials is in no way an endorsement of services, activities, and/or products by Alpine School District.

3. Flyers must contain information clearly identifying the sponsoring person(s) or organization(s), including web address and contact information.

4. Approval may only be given for information or activities appropriate for and directed towards the age of students attending school(s) targeted for printed distribution.

5. Materials CANNOT:

· Interfere with the District’s educational objectives

· Compete with District programs

· Be obscene or libelous in nature

· Be contrary to curriculum adopted by Alpine School District

· Include a hyperlink (use a QR code or full URL instead)

· Advertise for a product or service not permitted to minors by law

· Advertise for a political purpose or to influence a ballot proposition

· Advertise fundraising activities or contests for non-school organizations

· Advertise or solicit volunteers, internships, or employment opportunities that are not sponsored by an Alpine School District Department.

· Discriminate against any person based on race, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, or any protected class

· Advertise activities or services to students that occur during the regularly scheduled school day

· Advocate the violation of school registration

If you have questions or feedback, please fill out this form

Flyers will be approved and sent on Wednesdays. Please submit flyers by Tuesday evening in order to be approved.



Please check school websites for school based resources, such as bell schedules and school meals. Employees should visit the Alpine Employe Gateway for employee specific resources. 

Registration is postponed until further notice.

Steps to Register


View the Clear Creek Camp Schedule in the “Registration FAQs” document. We recommend selecting a few dates in case your first choice sells out.


Once registration is open, click “Eventbrite Registration” and select the date of your choice.


Fill in all requested student registration information and pay the required registration fee.


Complete Student Information & Health Form.