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Policy No. 7210 | Use of Student and Employee Images

Alpine School District students are at the heart of everything we do and we look for opportunities to feature photographs of students and employees in district communications.
The Communications Team may acquire and use photographs and video footage of students and employees in the course of their regular school activities. We do this to communicate the purpose and accomplishments of students and employees in alignment with the district’s strategic goals, which support the Vision for Learning.

Policy 3210 | Time and Effort Documentation

The Board of Alpine School District is committed to the lawful use of state and federal funds. In compliance with federal law and state administrative rules relating to time and effort requirements (including Utah Admin. Code R277-113-6(1)), and in order to promote financial accountability and the accurate keeping of time and effort records, the Board has adopted this policy.

Policy 9075 | Electronic Meetings

Board members may participate in Board meetings when their physical presence is not possible. Therefore, electronic meetings or participation via electronic means are expressly permitted pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-207.

Policy 3200 | Federal Education Agreement

The Board of Education for Alpine School District adopts this policy based on guidance outlined in Utah Code 53E-3-804 to establish procedures for application and accounting for Federal Education agreements that may cost the District over $500,000 annually from state or local money to implement.

Policy 7300 | Code of Conduct for Employees and Volunteers

Employees/volunteers shall maintain professional and appropriate behavior and relationships with students, both during and outside school hours, as well as both on and off campus, that foster an effective, non-disruptive and safe learning environment.

Policy 7150 | Sexual Harassment

Alpine School District is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment that are free from sexual harassment and retaliation.

Policy 9092 | District Calendar

Because the coordination of activities, including calendaring, is an administrative function, the Board of Education delegates to the superintendent the responsibility for the preparation and distribution of the district calendar. The superintendent shall appoint a committee consisting of lay and professional members to develop the calendar and make recommendations to the Board of Education. In developing the calendar, the committee shall use the guidelines established by the Utah State Board of Education and the Alpine School District Board of Education. The calendar recommendations of the committee are for a year–three years in advance. The Alpine School District Board of Education reserves final authority for approval of the calendar.

Policy 9088 | Remuneration and Expense

The members of each Board of Education shall fix the compensation to be received for their services (as ruled in Utah Code 53a-3-202)and each board member shall be required to submit an itemized account of traveling expense sworn to by him and approved by the Board. And provided furthermore by majority vote of the membership, any board of education may, in its discretion, authorize the payment of such additional sums for travel expense as it deems reasonable to any board member who attends any educational meeting or convention outside the limits of his school district.



Please check school websites for school based resources, such as bell schedules and school meals. Employees should visit the Alpine Employe Gateway for employee specific resources. 

Registration is postponed until further notice.

Steps to Register


View the Clear Creek Camp Schedule in the “Registration FAQs” document. We recommend selecting a few dates in case your first choice sells out.


Once registration is open, click “Eventbrite Registration” and select the date of your choice.


Fill in all requested student registration information and pay the required registration fee.


Complete Student Information & Health Form.