July 17 – RISE Nominations

Jasmin Cruz Chávez, Cherry Hill Elementary; aide

Es atenta, colaboradora, amable, respetuosa siempre nos atiende de una manera muy cordial nos ayuda siempre que tenemos cualquier duda y nos ayuda a resolverlos trabaja muy bien por eso creo que se lo merece.

“She is attentive, collaborative, kind, and respectful. She always assists us in a very cordial manner. She helps us whenever we have any questions and helps us solve them. She works very well, which is why I think she deserves it.”

Nominated by: Erika Palacio, parent

Megan Rodriguez, Vineyard Elementary; teacher

Mrs. Rod is a remarkable teacher, team leader, and friend! She has a heart of gold and is constantly looking for ways to serve others. The fifth grade team at Vineyard Elementary truly could not do it without her. She inspires, encourages, extends a listening ear, and prepares well in advance to help her team be successful. She is an excellent math teacher and technology guru, often sharing her expertise with other teachers! We are so thankful to have such a caring, kind, thoughtful and effective team lead! We love Mrs. Rod!

Nominated by: Shayla Warner and Bethany Hays, district employees

Alexa Parkin, Thunder Ridge Elementary; teacher

Miss Parkin is incredible! She has the poise and confidence of a veteran teacher even though she is new to her career. Her patient, calm, reassuring demeanor and presence has greatly assisted her students this year. She goes above and beyond in helping them believe in themselves and navigate whatever challenge they face. She is persistent and perseveres through adversity with a smile and a great attitude. We are so appreciative of all she does for her students and our school!

Nominated by: Kathy Loveridge, district employee

Kade Senter, Thunder Ridge Elementary; teacher

Mr. Senter is an outstanding educator and deserves special recognition for all he does. His patience, great attitude, and nurture toward his students are admired by many here at Thunder Ridge. He is able to help students with whatever challenge they face and they can feel of his care for them and their success. We are so appreciative of all Mr. Senter does for our students and our school!

Nominated by: Kathy Loveridge, district employee

Teri Bench, Oak Canyon Junior; teacher

Mrs. Bench is so AMAZING. I am so appreciative of her because of the way she teaches. I am not a very good listener and she makes me want to listen and learn. I really enjoy going to math because she makes connections between the real world and math that may not make sense in the first place, but after she explains it, it actually makes sense.

Nominated by: Kimball Brighton, student

Nate Crandall, Oak Canyon Junior; administrator

Mr Crandall is amazing! He’s always out in the halls telling jokes and brightening people’s day.

Nominated by: Cooper Gadd, student

Mr. Crandall has ALWAYS made me feel loved. Every time he sees me he makes me feel important and seen. He has always been the nicest to me when I am not feeling great. When I feel down I feel that I can go to him to feel appreciated and heard. He never fails to put a smile on my face.”

Nominated by: Asher Merrill, student

Mr. Crandall is very welcoming. He always gives me a high five when I walk by and he tries to know every kids’ name and if he doesn’t, he asks them. He is super funny and always makes jokes over the intercom and just when I ask him.”

Nominated by: Max Christiansen, student

Angela Moulton, Oak Canyon Junior; teacher

Mrs. Moulton was my math teacher for 9th grade. I was scared for what would happen in math that year after coming back to school from home school. But the way she taught the lesson made it so I could almost immediately understand. I didn’t fall behind in math like I thought I would. Thanks to Mrs. Moulton, I was able to have a great year of math. I am thankful that she was my teacher and taught me so well.

Nominated by: Lydia D. Boel, student

Jennifer Lamoreaux, Oak Canyon Junior; teacher

Mrs. Lamoreaux has helped me be a better actor and she is really nice. She is also really patient and she is just really good at her job.”

Nominated by: Preston Collier, student

Mrs. Lamoreaux has changed teaching in a very good way. She has made teaching easier and more fun. She takes the time to help us no matter what. She has been a fun teacher ever since day one, and I would like her to teach this school more often. One thing that I love about her is that she makes a big difference by inviting everyone into clubs and after school activities which is amazing, TEACH MORE!! :D”

Nominated by: Jeffrey Cho, student

Alyssa Meinzer, Oak Canyon Junior; teacher

Miss Meinzer has helped me through the year. She is always someone I can count on and whenever I need someone to talk to I know I can trust her. She is very fun and funny and knows just how to make someones day. She is the best.

Nominated by: Jade Rowley, student

Clint Roberts, Oak Canyon Junior; teacher

Mr. Roberts has been my band teacher for the past three years and he has made music a part of my life that I will cherish forever. He cares about each and every one of his students and their success on the instrument they choose to play. Never in my life have I seen a day where he isn’t smiling and making his students laugh. I look forward to going to his class in the morning knowing that even if I am in a bad mood or I have had a rough morning that he will make it better. Without him I would have never discovered my love for playing the clarinet and the joy of being part of a band.

Nominated by: Georgia Workman, student

Jakob Garlick, Oak Canyon Junior; teacher

Mr. Garlick is considerate on what homework he gives out. He’s probably the nicest teacher I ever knew. His lessons are really fun and he tells him about his baby boy and its dope. Just a really cool teacher in general.

Nominated by: Bridger Pyne, student

Travis Adamson, Oak Canyon Junior; teacher

Mr. Adamson is a wonderful teacher. Every day he cares for his students and makes lessons interesting. He knows how to have a balance between serious work and fun, which makes every day in his class a ride. He makes sure students feel welcome, no matter who they are. That is why Mr. Adamson is a very good teacher.

Nominated by: Bradley Lowe, student

Raquel Cook, Oak Canyon Junior; teacher

Miss Cook is a great teacher. She helps you with anything you need and she is very outgoing and is always trying to be less than a teacher and more as a friend. She is always making sure you have everything turned in and having a good day. She is always trying to make you happy and smile. She always wants you to leave with all your work done but always wants you to be happy.

Nominated by: Porter Weight, student

Cherae Ecalono, Oak Canyon Junior; teacher

Ms. Ecalono is a really nice and caring teacher. You can tell when she teaches that she does really love doing what she does. She always wants to make sure that her students know what they are learning and has really just made her class such a fun experience. She always pushes us and is hands on during class. She is such an amazing teacher.

Nominated by: Elodey Snow, student

Joe Allphin, Oak Canyon Junior; teacher

Mr. Allphin is amazing! He has been in most of my classes since 7th grade. He has helped me know what is happening in the class and he has been there to help people around me too. He keeps me on task and of course he is super cool and amazing. He is super funny and just a cool teacher. He makes it easier to go to class and I know when he is in my class it’s going to be a good day.

Nominated by: Lillie Sumsion, student

Amber Mattingly, Black Ridge Elementary; aide

Ms. Amber is very kind and under appreciated and deserves recognition.

Nominated by: Kendall Clarke, student

Ms. Mattingly is very kind and under-appreciated and deserves recognition. President of the PTA council and leads with passion.”

Nominated by: Abigail Clarke, student

I think Ms. Amber deserves the award because she is very hard working and is always thinking of new ways to improve our learning environment. She is very kind and makes people feel wanted and welcome in our school.”

Nominated by: Gideon Clarke, student

Ms. Amber is very helpful around the school and helps me learn in a better environment. She works very hard to provide for our school and makes people very happy.”

Nominated by: Julianna Nguyen, student

Ms. Amber is a great influence on the people at our school and she works hard to make everyone welcome.”

Nominated by: Tucker Cram, student

Debbie Hadley, Skyridge High; math lab

Debbie is amazing! She has been in charge of our math labs at Skyridge High School for years and has done a fantastic job. She has helped many students who really struggle with math to understand the concepts and to pass their classes. She not only helps the students, but also the rest of the math department benefits from her service. She helps the Secondary math teams in collaboration and contributes to the success of our teachers and students alike. This is Debbie’s last year here at Skyridge, and we are all going to miss her, but bigger things await her, and we wish her the best in life!

Nominated by: Sharon Gourley, district employee

Mandi Bingham, Skyridge High; teacher

Mandi is so awesome! She is so dedicated – I know I can count on her to not only be here (she comes even when she has been dealing with health issues) but to be an integral part of our math department. She is our Secondary 3 team leader, and we couldn’t ask for a better person to lead us. If Mandi says she will do something, you know it will not only get done, but will be done quickly and with quality work. She sees something that needs doing and digs in to accomplish it. She’s such a good example to all of us on the team!

Nominated by: Sharon Gourley, district employee

Tad Hunter, Eagle Valley Elementary; teacher

Tad is our Adaptive PE specialist. He works with our students who required adaptive physical education services. Tad treats every student with respect, acceptance and ignites enthusiasm for learning. It is always so fun to watch him with our students and see how much they enjoy moving and learning because of his enthusiastic energy and his belief that they can reach their goals. I’ve worked with Tad the past three years at two different school settings and have been so appreciative of how he communicates with team members, parents, teachers and our students.

Nominated by: Amanda Quigley, district employee



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